The Future of Nutrition & Aging


Growing old is mandatory—we all celebrate a birthday every year after all. But acquiescing to all the changes that happens to your body when you age… Now that’s optional!

I don’t mean to say you can choose not to age at all. Maybe you’ve been mindful about keeping a good diet and staying active. Then you already know that these can go a long way towards supporting a graceful journey through every trip round the sun. You already aren’t the type to just let “age” drive your life!

Celltrient Energy Anytime, Anywhere

Celltrient Energy Anytime, Anywhere

Still, there are changes many of us might have noticed more often, beginning in our forties: getting tired more easily during the kinds of exercise we always used to do, finding it harder to lift or move heavy objects, or recovering faster from any kind of physical exertion. What we see is something research shows isage-associated cellular decline, or AACD.

The things we notice that make up our general wellbeing—our energy, our strength, our resilience—are actually determined by how efficient our cells are, or how much they’re like well-kept engines.

But advances in science now allow us to understand that our nutrition, beyond meeting basic nutritional and caloric needs, can help support cellular processes that impact AACD and how well our entire body functions.

You can be eating and exercising well, but it’s your cells’ wellbeing that actually determines how well you can make the most out of your good habits.

Those of you who’ve been following me know that I make it a point to stay on top of my diet and fitness. I even include supplements such as collagen and probiotics. Good health is, after all, key to enjoying midlife in style.

So I was fascinated by the idea of a supplement that addressed “health from a cellular level.”

Celltrient is a line of nutritional beverages and supplements that contain specialized nutrients meant to help renew and restore natural cellular processes. Their product range is designed to address three core aspects of cellular health: energy, strength, and protection.

The product for energy was especially intriguing to me because I don’t particularly go to bed early, but I get up at 4:30 A.M. to workout at 5:00 A.M., Monday through Friday. And it worked! But before we go on, let’s back up just a little bit for a quick explanation on the science behind this.

·         Celltrient Energy contains nicotinamide riboside (NR), a unique form of niacin, or vitamin B3.

·         Cells use NR to make a coenzyme (something that helps main enzymes) called nicotinamide adenine nucleotide (NAD+).

·         This coenzyme plays a role in metabolism—which is the act of converting food, or nutrients, to energy.

·         So NAD+ plays a role in making sure our cells can generate energy!

·         However, NAD+ declines with age, and this limits our cells’ energy production.

·         But numerous clinical trials, covered in eleven published studies, have shown that taking NR increases NAD+ levels in as little as two weeks.

·         Which means, apart from supporting your body through what you eat, there’s a way you can support your body by making sure how it makes use of what you eat stays efficient!

·         In addition, Celltrient Energy also comes with vitamin C and a slew of B vitamins (B12, B5, B6, riboflavin/B2, thiamin/B1, and biotin/B7), which all further support metabolism.

Before taking Celltrient, I would describe my energy level as generally good, but I would definitely experience a slump around 2:00 P.M., and I would need some caffeine or a jog around the block (I’d take my dog, Henry, for his walk) to re-energize. So I wanted to see if Celltrient Energy would help with my energy level post workout, especially at midday.

I’ve been taking the Celltrient supplements daily for close to three months now, since I began taking them in January, though I’ve been interchanging between Energy, Strength, and Protect. I have them between 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M., as soon as I can break my fast. (I practice intermittent fasting and Celltrient has 15 to 20 calories per serving.)

By around week two, I noticed I wasn’t experiencing much of my midday slump. And I have since not needed my coffee break—which is great, as it’s helped with being able to sleep earlier and clock in more sleep before getting up at 4:30 A.M. five days a week.

Each of Celltrient’s drink mixes comes in three flavors (though without artificial flavors or sweeteners), but the orange-flavored Celltrient Energy is by far my fave. I love to make my “Celltrient creamsicle protein shake” for a quick and easy, filling, nutritious lunch:

·         1 packet Celltrient Energy

·         half of a frozen banana

·         juice of half an orange

·         1 cup almond milk

·         1 scoop unflavored protein powder

·         1/4 cup raw organic oats

·         blend with ice for a smoothie

Taking Celltrient as part of my lunch made it easier to build it into my daily routine, too!

I also love the convenience of individual servings that you can take anywhere with you, especially during travel. I took a bunch with me on our Sarasota mini vacation. I carried them in my purse, and I loved that I could just add them to water to get my “Celltrient fix.”

(A quick side note: Celltrient is formulated to be mixed in water but you can mix it with juice or other cold beverages according to your preferences. However, you aren’t supposed to add it to milk or any hot beverages.)

It’s fascinating to think that the reinvigoration I feel all over from Celltrient’s supplements is something that goes all way down to my cells. And we mean all the way deep down to literally every single thing that makes up my entire body!

As I declared when I began my age 50+ journey with Confessions of a Superager, there is no age cap to fabulous. And that’s been a very empowering idea to live with. But now with this whole new paradigm of supplements, we’ve entered a brand-new space where we can be literally refreshed from the inside out and empowered even further.

 Visit to learn which product may be right for you. Use code ISABELLA10 for 10% of any upcoming orders.


Marcia Moran + Isabella Collection


Hello Chapter 53